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PLS-20 automobile stabilizer bar fatigue test system

PLS-20 automobile stabilizer bar fatigue test system

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1. Brief description of the system

        The fatigue test system of electro-hydraulic servo stabilizer bar is mainly composed of the main engine, constant pressure servo pumping station, computer control system,

The software system, accessories and piping system are mainly used for fatigue life testing of automobile stabilizers.

The test fixture can also be configured according to the test needs to carry out the loading test of other various components.

2. The main technical indicators of the system.

2.1 The maximum static test force of the system: +/-50kN;

2.2 The maximum dynamic test force of the system: +/-30kN;

2.3 Test force indication accuracy: within the range of 2%-100%FS, all points are ±1.0%;

3.4 Test force dynamic display fluctuation degree: ±0.5%FS;

2.5 Maximum displacement of actuator: ±80mm, indication accuracy ±0.5%;

2.6 Main test waveforms: sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, oblique wave and various group waves;

2.7 Test frequency range: 0.1-15Hz;

2.8 Amplitude frequency characteristic: 3Hz sine wave, test amplitude>±40mm;

2.9 The test space and adjustment distance of the host bench meet the relevant parameters of the tested product;

2.9.1 Adjusting distance of beam span: 600-1050mm;

2.9.2 Center distance span adjustment distance: 600-1250mm;

2.9.3 Adjusting distance of stabilizer arm length: 100-560mm;

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